Open Source from theroyakash

Support and documentation for all open source projects from theroyakash.

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We have a fairly large community

Our open source install base is massive

I am a university undergrad enroled in computer science program. Mainitaing open source software is a huge challenge and always an opportunity to develop and learn things that I've never been done before.

High Quality softwares for students, teachers worldwide
No matter where you are in the world, you can always use softwares from my open source libraries. Except for Iran and North Korea due to US sanctions and Pakistan, China for adverserial behaviours with India.
No hidden fees
No matter how you intend to use these softwares there are no hidden fees. Check corrosponding gitub repo to see the licenses.

Community Usage, Installations, and Supports


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People Using our Open Source Programs



Our open source libraries


Purely written in Python library containing implementations of various data structures. Our Package will allow user to focus on developing algorithms and not worry about finding python-compatible implementations of classic data structures like linked list, heap and others.


AKDPRFramework is a framework for fundamental research in deep learning. Made possible with numpy. Create a new Issue on GitHub to start contributing

Placeholder file

Fed up coming up names for your files? Placholder file name generator is your solution. Generates placholder name with any prefix or suffix.

Research and Cool Projects


Proposal of a state of the art deep neural architectural solution for handwritten character recognition for Bengali alphabets, compound alphabets as well as numerical digits that achieves state-of-the-art accuracy 96.8% in just 11 epochs.

сука блять BOT

Multipurpose BOT with unique image related features. Recently I've added an wine recommendations algorithm

Python basics to get started

Introductory book on Python to get started. Recently I've launched the version 4 of the book. It recieved 250+ five star ratings on Google Play.


Your Donation Makes a Difference. Your gift to me demonstrates your commitment to knowledge as a public good and is an important part of open source Educational resource's overall sustainability plan, which includes support from my income and foundation support, and other revenues.



All resources are free to use.

If you are facing problems, give me a hey @twitter.



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Hexagon neutra unicorn

Work-in-progress updates and you can give feedback to the work and how you want to shape the content

Mixtape chillwave tumeric

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